Featuring Juneau, Denali, The Yukon Territory, boat cruises, stage shows, wildlife and whale watching and much, much more......

Sunday, June 6, 2010

3 days till rendezvous..................

We woke up to the sound of pitter patter on the roof of the motorhome.  After the warm, sunny day of our arrival, it had started raining overnight.  It rained most of the day while Spence began applying the caravan stickers to each RV and car; Carole and I began making our in-rig visits to give guests their jackets, backpacks, etc, and go over the necessary paperwork.  At least OUR work was indoors! 

It was good to get a little more acquainted with some of the people we will be traveling with for almost 2 months!  Throughout the day the rest of our members arrived in the campground.  All the folks that will be leaving here from Soap Lake are now with us. 

At 4:00 pm we had a social gathering.  It had stopped raining about an hour before that, so we were able to gather around Ken and Carole's motorhome, outdoors.  Today we had the pleasure of meeting Erv and Trecia Attebury, Bill and Marilyn Kern, Jeff and Noreene Totten, Ivan and Shirley Yurtin, and Barry and Monique Zander.  We think this is going to be an excellent group of people to travel with. 

For the next 3 days here at Soap Lake, we will become better acquainted with one another, prepare our RV's for the upcoming trip, and generally enjoy the beauty here in the immediate surrounds.


1 comment:

  1. We hope all of the caravaners enjoy the trip and the excellent assistance and company of Spence and Madi as much as we did in 2008.
